How to Catch Santa on Your Kazar Smart Home Security Camera

How to Set Up's Santa Security

This year, for the first time ever, Kazar customers can add a little extra sparkle to Christmas morning! Showing your children a real, incontrovertible snapshot of Santa's visit, captured by your smart home security camera.

We invite you to imagine the scene. It's the big morning, sometime around 6:05 AM. Your family gathers around the tree. Your kids clutch their first gifts eagerly, and you clutch your first coffee blearily.

"Hold on, children," you say, with a twinkle in your eye and a nod to one of the sleek Kazar Security cameras that guard your home.

"There's something else to open this year: the app." 

How to Set Up's Santa Security

To catch Santa in your home, you'll need the latest version of the app, and a compatible home security camera*. Next...

1: Open your app. Select a live video feed from a compatible security camera in your home.

2: Tap the Santa icon in the video feed to get a still image from your security camera.

3: Choose a Santa from the menu to add to your snapshot. You'll see full-color images of the real Santa for a daytime snapshot, and black and white options for night. You can resize and move Santa if you need to.

4: Delight your family. When your children wake you up at 5.30am on Christmas morning, show them your snapshot.

5: Share the magic! Share your Santa snapshots with family and friends by email, text and social media (hashtag: #SantaSecurity).

Don't have Santa Security? Set up a Santa Alert instead.

A genuine Santa Alert from your smart home security system is another way to show your kids that Santa visited. All you need is your app, your web dashboard, and a single contact sensor.

Click here for a step-by-step guide.

Want more tips for a smarter, safer holiday? Click here. 

*To tell if a video camera is compatible with Santa Security, open your app and look for a Santa icon in the top right corner of the camera's live video feed. All compatible cameras will show this icon.


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